Why Is Cancer Our Fear Holder?

Cancer has always been the most prominent and daunting term, not only in the medical industry, but in the way of life. We fear for those we care for when they are diagnosed. We fear the doctor’s results to not hear it. It is the dreaded word that haunts most of us.

We see health scares in the news regularly, and we are trained to fear for our health. Forever torn between the desires to devour due to advertisement, but held hostage by the idea of lowering our lifespan. Just today the BBC released their latest health article on the shocking rising numbers of those living with, and to be diagnosed, of cancer.

The article discusses the rise in numbers, and states that cancer was the biggest killer last year. Although those treated have risen in numbers, we can understand what an article like this can do.

In recent news Ebola has alarmed the globe, despite it being an issue for many of years. Cancer likewise, is an ever-present fear. It has been lingering around, turning on patients, but forever a new shock to us when we receive the bad news.

The question we wanted to ponder was; why does Cancer behold us? And, do people in medical care ever get used to dealing with it, or is it still terrifying?

Primary Care People recognize how much trust and responsibility is put into doctors and nurses in the medical environment. We feel a little safer in their hands, entrusting that they know best to cure and treat.

Although this is true, they are still affected like all of us to dealing with the disease. We are all emotionally connected to the thought of the disease, because we all know someone who has been affected, if not ourselves.

It has been commented on by doctors that it never gets any easier in witnessing the struggles their patients battle through. Dr. Stillman wrote:

I love practicing medicine. Unequivocally. Yet it sometimes seems as much a burden as a privilege…if we are lucky, trusted and maybe even loved by our patients. Yet on certain days, when our patients do not do well, the trade-off seems untenable.

How are we to protect ourselves from the emotional hazards of the practice of medicine? How are we to stand with our patients through the very worst while avoiding depression, significant stress reactions, and even substance abuse or addiction?

The work done by Cancer Research, Scientists, Doctors and Nurses, all over the world is extremely important work in battling the disease. The procedures are intricate, and the work is truly life changing. The hard work people in healthcare do cannot be diminished.

We wanted to take the time to truly think about the root of our health problems. Unfortunately some outcomes are heartbreaking. But because of the support we receive from primary care, we are guided to deal with this.

What we must remember is not only the treatment we receive, but those we receive it from. Our Doctors and nurses become our confidants. Seeing us at our weakest, and helping profusely in the process.

The question may be then, why are we all controlled by fear?

If our fear can minimized by the presence of medical help, then why can fear not be erased? We are told during palliative treatment to ‘Think positive’. Positive vibes radiate, a supportive team and a brave fighter can tackle this long term disease.

If we allow fear to manipulate us, then we cannot control the one thing we do have control over – our real well being – the actions of ourselves.

The internet can cause scare, and that is not what we are here to do. Human connection is the only way forward to share these concerns in a healthy way. Doctors and Nurses understand this primarily, which is why they are in their profession.

Perhaps this can lead to a weighted pressure upon Doctors and Nurses to be that support system?

But we thank them relentlessly. For it is their manner, and their caring attitude that allows our world’s biggest fear to be slightly minimized.

Please let us know your thoughts on dealing with the disease. We want to hear your opinion.

One thought on “Why Is Cancer Our Fear Holder?

  1. Pingback: Does Cancer Have a Price? | Primary Care People

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